2 Impossible Burger Patties *Put in the fridge the night before or morning of to thaw
2 Sweet potatoes
Baby Portobello Mushrooms
2 Sweet onions
Worcestershire Sauce
Steak Seasoning
Salt and Pepp
Onion Powder
Garlic Power
Balsamic Vin
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup Ketchup
1/4 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
Earth Balance Butter
Olive Oil
Parchment Paper
Aluminum Foil
Prep your oven to 425º.
While your oven is heating up, line your baking sheet with aluminum foil, wash and dry your sweet potatoes, and then cut them in half longways. Brush them with olive oil, sprinkle some salt and garlic powder on them, then put them face down on the baking sheet. When the oven is ready put them in for 30 - 40 minutes. Until you can press through the centers easily with a fork.
Now, start preparing your balsamic caramelized onions. Thinly slice 2 onions and add them to your pan with a little olive oil. Turn on medium heat. Add in salt and pepper, 1 Tbsp of brown sugar, and a drizzle of Balsamic Vin or about 3 Tbsps. Stir occasionally,
While the onions are cooking you can wash, dry, and cut your mushrooms and asparagus. Don’t forget to keep checking on your onions. They will be smelling sooo good!
With about 10 minutes left for your sweet potatoes, add the mushrooms to the onions and start grilling the asparagus in a separate pan (this pan can be used for the burgers).
While keeping an eye on your veggies you can begin making your steak sauce. In a bowl combine ketchup, 2 tbsp worcestershire sauce, 1/2 tbsp garlic powder, 1/2 tbsp onion powder, 1/4 tbsp apple cider vinegar and set aside.
When your veggies are done cooking you can plate your asparagus and turn the heat off of the onions.
Now to make the burger steaks!
Heat your pan to medium/high heat. In a bowl combine your burger patties with a drizzle of worcestershire sauce and steak seasoning. Form each patty into a ball and place it on a square piece of parchment paper. Add about a tbsp of Earth Balance butter on top of your burger ball and put face down in your pan so that the butter is on the bottom and flatten our your burger with a spatula (this is where the parchment paper come in handy, so your spatula doesn’t stick to the burger). Press your burger down really flat and let cook for about a minute and a half, then flip to the other side and cook for the same amount of time.
When your burgers are done, plate them up with your asparagus and sweet potatoes. Top your burgers with a spoonful of your homemade steak sauce and add on the onions and mushrooms.
There you have it! My version of a vegan burger steak. Something that I would have never ordered when I was eating meat, but this twist on a southern dish is super flavorful and packed full of veggies.